Our Big First Week and Answering Your Questions

It's been an amazing first week since we announced the Yawman Arrow to the world. The response and feedback has been amazing and we wanted to share how the simming world is welcoming Yawman to the community.

First, we started last week with a first look at the Arrow from FSElite, our demonstration of our exciting new controller:

The response from the flight simulation community has been amazing and it's incredibly validating to watch simmers embrace a totally new way to fly. Yawman was featured on Ben Thompson's Stratechery podcast, Gizmodo, as well as great sites within the simming community, like Stormbirds, and even Microsoft's latest Flight Simulator Development Update

We also have been flooded with requests for more information on everything from pricing to platform compatibility. As we get closer to release, we will be sharing more, however we wanted to take the opportunity to answer your questions in our newly launched FAQ page.

We're going to keep sharing updates on our progress regularly as we head toward launch in the spring, so make sure you're signed up to receive updates at yawmanflight.com and you're following us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and soon YouTube.

Here's a shot of us "testing" the Arrow on Microsoft Flight Simulator over the weekend at one of our favorite coffee shops.